Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another GIS Project

My goal here was to demonstrate the school boundaries on the map. I also found a way to insert the school boundary information into each address in the city. That way any citizen can go to the city's website, type in their address, and find out what elementary school boundary they belong too. I also showed the location of each school in the city. FYI there aren't any public junior high or high schools in the city as of yet because the population is so young. Here are how the maps turned out. (Click to make the images larger.)

Subdivision Plat Drawing

This by far was my favorite project to work on. Along with the Planning Director at Eagle Mountain City, I met with several developers who were trying to submit designs for new neighborhoods. In the particular instance we were discussing the potential to build on a strange part of land. You can see two dotted lines going through the middle of the piece of land. These two lines represent an easement where houses are not permitted to be built on. The dotted lines on the top of the picture also represent another easement. The diagonal lines throughout the sketch represents potential open space. We had to find a way to build cluster homes on the piece of land and we needed to come up with suggestions to give to the developer. Using an engineering scale we had to abide by certain length restrictions due to the city's code and find a way to have the most possible units on the small piece of land. The dark colored in rectangles represent rear-entry shared drive ways. This design allows for more open space. After a day or two of going through multiple drafts this was the final design that I submitted to the developer. It is still going through approval with the Planning Commission and City Council but there is a possibility that the developer will stick with design and begin the building process soon. Lets cross our fingers. (Click on the image to make it larger.)

Our Baby Needs to Come Soon...

Today is the 39th week of the pregnancy with no signs of the baby coming any time soon. The due date is on November 25th (Thanksgiving Day) but our doctors says we should plan on December 2nd. They are guessing that they will have to induce labor and they will not induce until a week after the due date. We're excited for our little boy to come and we hope he doesn't freeze in this crazy Utah weather.

Wake-Up Call

I hate waking up to this... I can't move back to Arizona soon enough. I do not handle the white stuff well. What's even worse is that I have a rear-wheel, two wheel drive truck that doesn't handle ice very well. I have to put in several hundred pounds of sand bags in the bed to even have a chance of not dying on the road. I miss having 70 degree Christmas' and will have to wait for a while to have one. We will be moving back to Arizona in January so there is end in sight.