Friday, September 17, 2010

About Steven Turner

Hello Everyone, my name is Steven Turner and I'm currently enrolled in the MPA - Urban Management Program. I was born and raised in the East Valley area and attended Dobson High School. After high school I did a year of schooling at Mesa Community College then I served a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Peru. Nearly 22 months of the two years I was located in the northern part of Peru next to the border of Ecuador. After my mission, I finished my two year program at Mesa Community College then transfered up to Brigham Young University. While attending school at BYU, I met my wife and we were married in November 2008. We are now expecting a baby boy around thanksgiving and we couldn't be more excited. I graduated from BYU in April 2010 with a Bachelors of Science in Geography: Urban, Rural, and Environmental Planning. After I graduated, I started working for Eagle Mountain City, Utah as their City Planning and GIS intern. I worked there for about 4 months and that brings us to this date. I love the field I've chosen. I have a strong passion for community affairs and it is my belief that in order to help our nation change we must first change our communities. Wherever I work in the public sector my goal is to create safe communities for families. A solid family is the rock of our society. After my MPA program at ASU I hope to continue my career in city planning with the eventual goal of being a city administrator. I love sports of all types but mostly basketball, golf, volleyball, and football. I love life and I'm excited for another new beginning back in my home state of Arizona and attending ASU!


  1. I had no idea that we had an urban management program at ASU. How does that degreet differ from URban and Metropolitian Studies.

  2. When I saw Utah, I had to wonder if you were LDS, I'm sure from my internship it's easy to see I am as well. Good luck with your new baby. My daughter is getting married over Thanksgiving--here in Arizona. I grew up in HEber City Utah, so I am super favmiliar with PRovo, Utah and BYU. Good luck with your new adventures in life.

  3. @ Amanda: The Urban Management program is an emphasis in the Masters of Public Administration

    @ Shelly: I am LDS. I just finished at BYU and am on my way back down to the valley where I was born and raised. Glad to meet you!!!

  4. I am excited to see what your experience is like in the planning department!

  5. What a fascinating internship you have. Peru must have been awesome. I am also looking forward to a career in the Urban Planning/Management Field. However, I would like to stay in the Phoenix, AZ area. Nothing against Utah of course. Good luck with your studies and that new baby on the way. Get plenty of rest, you will need it.
