Thursday, December 9, 2010

Eagle Mountain Needs A Grocery Store

Getting approval to building a commercial complex can be quite complicated. First a developer must submit a concept plan. This i just a very rough sketch of the buildings and maybe types of businesses that will eventually occupy the development. After the concept plan, other designs need to be submitted and they can include some of the recommendations made by the city staff. These revisions are called a preliminary plat and a final plat. Depending on the city the preliminary plat needs to be approved by the Planning Commission and the Final Plat needs to be approved by the City Council. The designs that are submitted need to meet the city codes. This first picture below is the plan submitted by a developer. During these first couple meetings with the developers we also met with real estate agents to see if the location is a good spot to bring in some bigger name stores. Eagle Mountain still does not have any grocery stores so this plan was submitted to bring in a more well known store.

The plan they submitted did not meet various parts of the city code so the Planning Director and I drew up some plans that would help it meet code. For example, there cannot be any parking spaces between the road and a building. And one part of the development must be a main corner entrance for the area. We made a few corrections and limited the number of parking spaces (grocery stores always have empty spots). Here is the drawing we submitted back to the developer.

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