Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Baby Came!!!

Thanksgiving Day was an eventful one. Prior to Thursday, my wife did not sleep for 3 nights because of contractions. They were too close to let her get any sleep but far enough apart where we couldn't go into the doctor. Finally, Thursday morning came and her blood pressure was a little elevated so we decided to go into the doctor. They hooked her up to the monitor and decided to admit us. While waiting for her to be dilated enough to start pushing, my in-laws brought in Thanksgiving dinner for me to enjoy. Finally around 8:00 PM it was time to start pushing and my wife did great. She pushed for about 2.5 hours until she was no longer making progress. The doctor came in and used a vacuum and after a couple more contractions the baby came out. It was a beautiful little boy. We named him Graham Evans Turner and he weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and was 20.5 inches long. We sure do love him.


    What a blessing to have a baby, I am sure you are the happiest father ever!

  2. Oh my gosh, congratulations! On Thanksgiving too...great thing to be Thankful for :) Enjoy the holidays with your new baby!
